Jumat, 31 Oktober 2008

Magister ICAS Enrollment Program 2009

October 31, 2008 at 8:02 am | In News | No Comments | Edit this post

The New Student Registration Program 2009

ICAS-Paramadina Jakarta - Indonesia

Master Degree (MA) of Islamic Philosophy and Islamic Mysticisms

Pre-Registration Requirement:

1.One Copy of Identity Card

2.Color Photo size 2 x 3 and 3 x 4 (@ 6 piece)

3.Copy of Certificate academic (legalized by the university)

4.Copy of Academic Transcript (legalized by the university)

5.To pay the registration and entrance test fee Rp 150.000

6.To fill the pre-registration form and follow the entrance test (Written Test & Interview)

The requirement to study at Preliminary semester:

The new student should pay the for course preliminary semester about Rp 1.500.000 (for tuition fee),

Other informations:

1.The Pre-registration period:

November 1, 2007 – to February 17, 2009

2.The entrance test will be held in ICAS Campus (Pondok Indah Plaza III, Blok F5, Jl. TB.Simatupang, South Jakarta Indonesia):

· Written Test: Thursday, February 19, 2009 at 9.30.am – end.

· Interview: Friday-Saturday, February 20-21, 2009, at 10.00 am – end (The schedule of the interview will be determined by the committee).

3.The announcement of the result of entrance test:

Februari 28, 2009.

4.The Re-registration period of the student who has passed the Entrance Test will be held:

on Februari 28, 2009 – March 10 , 2009.

5.The course start on March 14, 2009.

6.The course will be held at Saturday and Sunday (at 9 am to 5 pm)

7.For more information and detail of the program, please contact:

Islamic College For Advanced Studies (ICAS) Jakarta,

Pondok Indah Plaza III, 3rd floor, blok F-5, T.B Simatupang Street, South Jakarta 12310, Indonesia .

Phone: (021) 765-1534 , Fax. (021) 765-1601.

CP: Mr. Samantho, Mrs.Syaefuddin

E-mail: icas_jakarta@yahoo.co.id, ay_samantho@yahoo.com, ahmadsamantho@gmail.com

Website: http://www.icas-indonesia.org